Digitech Ultimate airtrap UAT 160ML X Large Tygon and 6mm Festo Tube

Digitech Ultimate airtrap UAT 160ML X Large Tygon and 6mm Festo Tube
  • Digitech Ultimate airtrap UAT 160ML X Large Tygon and 6mm Festo Tube
  • Digitech Ultimate airtrap UAT 160ML X Large Tygon and 6mm Festo Tube

Digitech Ultimate airtrap UAT 160ML X Large Tygon and 6mm Festo Tube

Digitech Ultimate airtrap UAT 160ML
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To buy this product contact us at ordini@8fly.it


We have flown it extensively in every jet we could find and have tried every possible maneuver and unusual attitude combined with every possible throttle position - you just can't make it quit!

Standard they come with 3 nipples.

10mm Outside diameter from the tank.

6MM Outside diameter towards the Pump

4MM Outside diameter for filling

Optional you can make a second tank connection you just need a extra nipple.

all nipples exept for refilling is G1/8


the fill and drain is M5



  1. 1
    Festo raccordo CK-PK-4-KU per tubi da 6mm
    SKU: FES2028
  2. 2
    Festo raccordo filettato 1/8 tubo ø 6mm
    SKU: FES153307
  3. 3
    Festo QSM M5 tube ø 6mm
    SKU: FES153306
  4. 4
    Festo tappo di chiusura B-1/8
    SKU: FES3568